The component GROVE provides eight connectors for the Grove System from Seeed Studio. These connectors are four digital connectors (named from DIGITAL1 to DIGITAL4), two analog connectors (named from ANALOG1 to ANALOG2), I2C and UART.
An example project for the Arduino IDE can be downloaded: SEEED_Grove-GSR_Sensor.ino (download here)
ESP Board | grove connector |
![]() |
CN200 up to CN207 |
Activating the component¶
Each of the eight connectors has a own switch which have to be activated in order to use the component.
The switch for Analog1 is SW204.
Function | SWITCH | IO port | Conflicts with | Remarks |
VN | 1 | 39 | Potentiometer, SW302, VN | |
VP | 2 | 36 | Potentiometer, SW300, VP |
The switch for Analog2 is SW205.
Function | SWITCH | IO port | Conflicts with | Remarks |
ADC6 | 1 | 34 | MENU, SW401-6, UP; Camera, SW400-3, D7 | |
ADC7 | 2 | 35 | Temperature, SW315, DQ; Camera, SW400-2, D6 |
The switch for Digital1 is SW206.
Function | SWITCH | IO port | Conflicts with | Remarks |
IO12 | 1 | 12 | RFID, SW303-2, IRQ; Gyro, SW310-2, AD0/SD0; mikroBus, SW404-1, PWM; Camera, SW402-3, D1; SD Card, SW406-2, DAT2 | |
IO5 | 2 | 5 | Microphone, SW301-1, SD; RFID, SW303-6, SDA; TFT, SW311-2, RESET |
The switch for Digital2 is SW207.
Function | SWITCH | IO port | Conflicts with | Remarks |
IO14 | 1 | 14 | Gyro, SW310-1, INT; mikroBus, SW404-2, INT; Camera, SW402-4, D2; SD Card, SW406-5, CLK | |
IO13 | 2 | 13 | mikroBus, SW405-5, RST; Camera, SW402-2, D0; SD Card, SW406-1, CD/DAT3 |
The switch for Digital3 is SW208.
Function | SWITCH | IO port | Conflicts with | Remarks |
IO21 | 1 | 21 | Menu, SW404-6, SDA; Camera, SW400-5, SIOD /SCL | |
IO15 | 2 | 15 | TFT, SW311-3, D/C; SD Card, SW406-6, CMD |
The switch for Digital4 is SW209.
Function | SWITCH | IO port | Conflicts with | Remarks |
IO18 | 1 | 18 | Microphone, SW301-3, WS; RFID, SW303-5, SCL; TFT, SW311-5, SCK; TFT, SW314-2, T_CLK; mikroBus, SW405-3, SCK | |
IO17 | 2 | 17 | Microphone, SW301-2, SCK; mikroBus, SW404-4, TX; Camera, SW403-1, RRST; Unit-Bus, SW202-1, CN212 - PIN 4; Grove UART, SW202-1, UART - RX |
The switch for I2C is SW203.
Function | SWITCH | IO port | Conflicts with | Remarks |
I2C - SDA | 1 | 19 | RFID, SW303-3, MISO; Gyro, SW310-3, SDA/SDI; OLED, SW309-2, SDA; TFT, SW314-1, MISO; mikroBus, SW405-2, MISO; Unit-Bus, SW200-2, CN212 - PIN 5 | |
I2C - SCL | 2 | 4 | Gyro, SW310-4, SCL/SCLK; OLED, SW309-1, SCL; Camera, SW402-1, RCK/RCKL; SD Card, SW406-3, DAT1; Unit-Bus, SW200-1, CN212 - Pin 6 |
The switch for UART is SW202.
Function | SWITCH | IO port | Conflicts with | Remarks |
UART - RX | 1 | 17 | Microphone, SW301-2, SCK; mikroBus, SW404-4, TX; Camera, SW403-1, RRST; Unit-Bus, SW202-1, CN212 - PIN 4; Grove DIGITAL2, SW209-2, IO17 | |
UART - TX | 2 | 16 | Audio, SW306-1, SD_MODE; mirkoBus, SW404-3, RX; Camera, SW403-2, WRST; Unit-Bus, SW201-1, CN212 - PIN 3 |
Using the component¶
Sample project¶
An example project for the Arduino IDE can be downloaded: SEEED_Grove-GSR_Sensor.ino (download here)